Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama and the FDA

Just so you all know, I am a smoker. I am also free, well I thought I was. Recently Obama has given the FDA the power to regulate ciggarettes, and as part of that legislation they are banning all flavored cigarettes.
I'm already pissed off that I can't buy whatever I want in the first place, but now there abolishing even more? And for what purpose? To keep our children from smoking? How about you watch your kids, I dunno I know it sounds crazy but if you just talk to them for a few minutes a day, you may get to know them, you could tell them about how you dont want them to smoke. Not saying that they'll listen, but thats part of being a free nation, no one dictates your actions.
My favorite cigarettes? my alltime favorite smoke is the Camel Winter Mint Mocha, which has been discontinued for about 3 years now, so this really doesnt affect my smoking habits at all, since that was the only flavored cigarette I liked, but they also jacked up the price of rolling tabacco, I roll my own since its cheaper than not and usually tastes alot better, but prices have shot up because of the new taxes. It was round 15 dollars for a tin of tabacco that was basically a carton of smokes, now its 25 dollars for that same tin. I have no job, I am a college student and belong to a middle class family. My father is about to retire, which means even less money, and now my government is getting rid of my freedoms. I sat back and watched as Bush did his "Freedom of Speech Zones" (personally i though that would apply to.. oh I dont know... America..) for protestors, caging them in and keeping them off the path of his parade or whatever it was he was attending that minute, but I sat back because I was scared of being put in jail or worse, because I didnt trust that president to not commit attrocities for what he thought was the greater good. Now when Obama was elected I got this sinking feeling in my stomach, like we had made a mistake by choosing the lesser of two evils, and now I dont know what to think. Obama has taken away some of the freedoms that I have enjoyed, and for stupid reasons. Now there talking about the bann of flavored cigars and blunts. Write your congressman, write your president, please dont let this happen. This isnt about health, we know its bad for you, no one is saying it isnt, this is about a freedom of choice, if you can choose whether or not you want a child, why cant you choose whether or not you want a strawberry cigarette?